A sandwich. Two mattresses. I lie on one of them while the
other is covered. The girls tie them together so they won't
slide off. The girls are supposed to dance in their shoes on
the matress for two songs. It was more like jumping on the
matress rather than dancing. They jumped on my legs, back
and head. It doesn't look like much, but believe me the
girls really gave me a hard workout. I was bending
underneath those matresses like a spring and my back hurt
for a week. Time: 18,44 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Under the mattres 4

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We decided to use other peoples' ideas this time. We showed
the girls some random trample films from the internet. They
had to perform the stuff in the films on us. In the first
film, the girl jumps on my stomach only in stockings, but
she couldn't take my moaning and she gave up. In the second
one, the guy is lying on the sofa and she is supposed to
step on him, wipe her shoes, and stamp on him in heels. The
third one is two girls standing in line, one is wearing
high-heels, the other sandals with heels. The first one
stands on his face while the other one sticks her heel into
his stomach. The fourth one shows two girls in stockings
taking turns stepping on a man, then they both stand on him
at once. The fifth one has a man whose hands are tied to a
chair. The girl sits on the chair while another one digs her
heels into his stomach, then she wipes her shoes on him and
the girls switch places. The last one features head
trampling. Three girls are supposed to stand on the guy's
head and lift their other leg up. They repeat this three
times. Time: 11,42 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Trample mix 05

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This time there are 5 girls. They were wearing winter shoes
because it was freezing outside, - 15 degrees Celsius.
Before entering the house, each girl had to get on the human
doormat, wipe her shoes, take off her coat, and make him
lick her soles. Honestly, the girls really weren't into it;
after two or three lick the girls had enough.. Time: 10,02

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Two guys lie next to each other. Girls wearing high-heels
walk over them passing each other, three on one side, two on
the other. Then they get into pairs and walk over the guys
two at a time as if they were obstacles. The guys lie closer
to each other to make it easier for the girls so they won’t
have to step down on the floor. Then I placed a small
kitchen counter on top of them. The girls barely fit but all
five manage to get on it. They have a good time, dancing to
the rhythm of the music. Time: 9,27 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Trampling 32

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WIn the next film from the under sofa series, we made
another change. This time three guys are lying under the
sofa and five girls sit on top of it. We ordered pizza for
them so they wouldn’t be bored. The girls rest their feet on
the guys’ heads. They get the idea to feed the guys. The
girls pierce the slices of pizza with their heels and put it
in their mouth, pushing the pizza in with their heels. After
the meal it is time to burn off those calories. They get on
the couch and start dancing. But the sofa is very unstable
so they quit for fear of falling off. Time: 12,48 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - under sofa 4

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The guy is lying near the wardrobe, while girls in winter
shoes walk all over him, starting with his legs, then his
stomach, head, and then on the way back they step on his
hands. The girls walk several times and they walk faster and
faster each time. Then each of the girls changes their shoes
to high-heels and does the same walk all over again. Time:
10,58 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - 5 trampling girls 2

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A barstool sits on a guy's stomach. The girls decided they
wanted to take a picture with this model. Each of the five
girls sits on the stool while the other girls take their
picture with their smartphones. They wanted to have a
memento so we made this film. Time: 5,32 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - A small photo session

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This is a film in which the girls stand on guys’ heads. At
first just one, then they stand two at a time. Once there
were even three girls on top. They are in stockings and one
is wearing socks. Then another guy joins the one on the
floor and the girls start walking the length of their bodies
but focus especially on their heads. Then a third guy lies
down. One of the girls starts reassuring the ones that are
apprehensive by telling them to imagine that they are
walking on rocks, not heads. Then one guy gets a special
gift: ten feet suddenly appear on his face. Another guy who
wants to balance the girls on his head lies down. When two
of the heaviest ones (62 kg. and 67 kg.) climb on him, he
momentarily loses consciousness. You can see this in the
14th minute of the film. He gets a bit scared and asks the
girls to walk over his back instead. All 5 get on at once
without any problems. But the girls don’t have anything to
hold on to so they move up against the wall, where they feel
more stable. Time: 18,51 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Trampling 33

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WIn the next film from the under sofa series, we made
another change. This time three guys are lying under the
sofa and five girls sit on top of it. We ordered pizza for
them so they wouldn’t be bored. The girls rest their feet on
the guys’ heads. They get the idea to feed the guys. The
girls pierce the slices of pizza with their heels and put it
in their mouth, pushing the pizza in with their heels. After
the meal it is time to burn off those calories. They get on
the couch and start dancing. But the sofa is very unstable
so they quit for fear of falling off. Time: 12,48 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Trampling 33

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The film starts with a classic multitrampling scene. Five
girls stand on top of the guy. They are all ready to leave
and they are wearing winter shoes. In order to mix things
up, the girls will walk over him in circles. First they
stand on his hand, from there they stand on his head, from
his head they step on his other hand, and they return by
stepping on his stomach. They all follow right behind each
other so there is no time for a break. The next guy lies
down and the whole walk is repeated. After several climbs,
the girls change their direction, this time starting from
his stomach and going in a circle from there. Time: 11,05
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - 5 trampling girls 3

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The girls use his head to climb on the sofa and then jump of
it onto his belly. Then they decide to walk over the length
of his body, starting from his head and walking on his belly
and legs. The girl also tries to stand on his neck, but he
can't handle that. At the end she gives him a massage by
tapping on his belly.Time: 11,37 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Trampling for beginners

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Two girls decided to dance on top of a guy. It starts out
gentle but they get wilder with every minute. They jump,
tap, and kick him in the head. The guy gets a rough
treatment. Time: 10.10 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Let's dance on top of him

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All the girls are weighed and their weight is indicated in
the film, over 911 kilograms/ 2002 lbs. We already have
someone just for this assignment, so he lies under the
board. The combined weight of all the girls is the same as
if a small car would drive on top of him. Time:
12,36 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - Under the board 14

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The film was made by accident, the cameras happened to be
turned on. Six new girls came over. We wanted the girls to
get used to trampling before the party started. They were
doing this for the first time. They were a bit shocked at
first, and were taking pictures, but they did well in the
end. Time: 9.17 min.
DOWNLOAD MOVIE - First trampling 9

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In this film I finally experienced the weight that I was a
bit scared of trying but that I also dreamed of. Six girls
appear in the film and five of them are new, appearing with
us for the first time. First the girls take turns stepping
one at a time as usual. Then we do three climbs in pairs,
then two climbs with four girls on the board. At the end,
six girls get on at once. Six girls on that small board with
nails that lies on top of me and the combined weight of the
girls is over 340 kilograms/ 750 pounds. Time: 13.02 min.

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In this film I finally experienced the weight that I was a
bit scared of trying but that I also dreamed of. Six girls
appear in the film and five of them are new, appearing with
us for the first time. First the girls take turns stepping
one at a time as usual. Then we do three climbs in pairs,
then two climbs with four girls on the board. At the end,
six girls get on at once. Six girls on that small board with
nails that lies on top of me and the combined weight of the
girls is over 340 kilograms/ 750 pounds. Time: 13.02 min.

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